AirBnB Guy

3 de abril de 2017

"We have a new Real Estate company and will need you to join our team of cleaners. All you have to do is come clean after some guests check out and before the next guests check in. Easy cleaning nothing deep"

Me:"Oh, like AirBnB?"

AirBnB guy: Doubts for a minute. "No, we are a legit company. Our Real Estate company bought a couple of buildings on this street. And its like Hostels you know. We actually need you take care of 8 units"

No mention of the company name yet. 8 units keeps echoing on my head. How many families used to live there I wondered.

Going up the stairs, me so amazed: " Woah these stairs are originals, right? How old is this building?

AirBnB guy: "No idea"

Me: "Is this a Polish building?

AirBnB guy: "Good question"

Me: " Uff what a lovely skylight. Wonder if its the original?"

AirBnB guy: "Not that important".

Me: (Sigh) "You know you can google research this right".

He just laughs.

AirBnB guy bought more than 8 units. He doesn't know anything about the neighborhood's history, nor the building's architecture less I bet about the people that crossed those same stairs. It is so easy to dishonor people's and communities' history. Gentrification is nasty.



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